Selected bibliography
(1978). Readings on the multinational corporation in Kenya. Nairobi New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195724455.
(1982). Computer-aided design: electronics, comparative advantage and development. New York: Macmillan. ISBN9780029495209.
(1984). Sugar processing: the development of a Third-World technology. London Nairobi: Intermediate Technology Publications Africa Book Services. ISBN9780903031981.
(1984). Automation: the technology and society. Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman. ISBN9780582902039.
(1984). Third World industrialisation in the 1980s: open economies in a closing world. London Totowa, New Jersey: F. Cass. ISBN9780714632407.
With Hoffman, Kurt (1988). Driving force: the global restructuring of technology, labour, and investment in the automobile and components industries. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. ISBN9780813375021.
With Cooper, Charles (1989). Technology and development in the third industrial revolution. London Savage, Maryland: F. Cass. ISBN9780714633893.
With et al. (1989).Cane sugar, the small-scale processing option: proceedings of a joint ITDG/IDS conference, 10-11 September 1987. London: Intermediate Technology Publications. ISBN9781853390159.
(1990). The economies of small: appropriate technology in a changing world. London, UK. Washington, D.C., USA: IT Publications Appropriate Technology International. ISBN9781853390722.
With Posthuma, Anne (1994). Easternisation: the spread of Japanese management techniques to developing countries. Ilford, Essex, England Portland, Oregon: F. Cass. ISBN9780714641355.
With Humphrey, John; Saraph, Prasad V. (1998).Corporate restructuring: Crompton Greaves and the challenge of globalisation. New Delhi Thousand Oaks, California: Response Books. ISBN9780761992547.
(2005). Globalization, poverty and inequality: between a rock and a hard place. Cambridge, UK Malden, Massachusetts: Polity. ISBN9780745635545.
With Farooki, Masuma (2011). How China Disrupted Global Commodities: The Reshaping of the World’s Resource Sector. Routledge studies in global competition. London: Routledge.
With Farooki, Masuma (2012). The impact of China on global commodity prices: the global reshaping of the resource sector. London New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415556866.